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Sunday Services


9am:  Holy Communion 


10.30am: Morning Service with children's groups

(All age 1st Sunday of the month,  Holy Communion 2nd Sunday). 

9am: Holy Communion

The 9am Service is always a service of Holy Communion, and finishes around 10am, otherwise the content is very similar to the 10.30. There are no separate groups for children and young people and it is usually attended by fewer people. Refreshments are available in the atrium after the service. 

10.30am: Morning Service

The 10.30am is the best service to come to if you are new to St. John’s or to church generally. There will be people present at all stages of their faith journey, some are agnostic, some are finding out more about Jesus, right up to those who have been followers of Jesus for many years.   The service usually lasts about 80 minutes and refreshments are available in the church centre afterwards. We celebrate communion once a month on the second Sunday of the month and on the first Sunday of each month, all age groups worship together. The worship style is contemporary with a creative use of multimedia and a central emphasis on looking at how God wants to speak to us through his word, the Bible.  We have groups for children and young people up to the age of 16 which begin part way through the service and take place in the adjoining centre.  

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